Monday, November 23, 2009

What's the Big Deal About Facebook?

Welcome to Facebook, Donna. Ok, so I've finally caved into the pressures of my daughter and my friends and created "our" and I say "our" Facebook page as it has my name, but mostly my daughter's friends. As a conservative mother of an eleven year old, I don't want my daughter on any social networking cite, but after the other Donna did it and said that she could look up her old pals from way back when, I'm like cool. And when I sent an email to my friend Jay to tell him we were going to be on Let's Make a Deal, only to receive no reply back, he promptly chastised me by saying that if I were on Facebook, I would have known he was in Paris, so la de da! That tears it! My cousins back East on are it and they are way more conservative than us. So I did it and now I'm thinking what's all the fuss? Of course my daughter is absolutely in a trance about the whole thing, chattering with her school friends, for me I just don't get it. Probably because I'm so ancient, whines my daughter. I tried looking up some of my old friends from high school. Not many came up, either they're dead or haven't entered the social cyberspace like me, no they're probably dead. I did find one person, a guy, only because his name came up on classmates. When I went to look him up, up popped his picture. Kinda looked like him vaguely. Did I want to send him a message to be his friend? What would I say? High school was like centuries ago. Maybe he's some kind of maniac or pervert, who knows? So I didn't, what would be the point? It's ancient history. Apparently no one is searching for me, oh yeah, they're probably already dead. Facebook looks like a messy teenage girl's room. I like order, neatness and blogging. Guess it's good for sending out messages but other than that, it's just another website to check on. Surprising how many tweeners have their own page. As my daughter whines, when will I be able to get my own and to this I reply, when you're married and have kids of your own!

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