Monday, October 14, 2013

Thinning Hair, Beauty Tricks

So my daughter tells me the other day while in the orthodontist office as we wait to see the dentist, braces being off for the last year, pearly whites smiling at me as she inspects the top of my head, "ewww, I can see your scalp!" 
What do you mean you can see my scalp?
I can see your scalp, it's gross!
Yeah, I can't look at it.
What! am I bald or something?
No, I can just see it through your hair, it's thin!

Holy Shit I think, this age thing sucks balls!
Not only do I worry about the skin sagging off my face down to my sagging throat, down to my saggy watery pancake of a butt, but now I have to worry about anyone over 5'4" looking down on my head and seeing my scalp, gross indeed!

Over the past few years I've given into some beauty "treatments", out of necessity.  Hell, I still have to look presentable.  I work after all.  Have to keep up appearances.  Not to mention, I'm a mother and want to look like a mother and not a grandmother for heaven's sake!  Some woman at the gym asked me where my granddaughter was?  Granddaughter?  You mean daughter, I ask with obvious contempt.  Needless to say, I no longer acknowledge her presence anymore. You are dead to me! (the woman at the gym).  I don't take these things lightly.

A few things have alleviated the pain of getting old, some of which I shall share with you here.  I'm all for full disclosure and anything I have tried and tested and found to work, more power to us!

BOTOX-while I don't like the idea of injecting botulism, heck if you get botulism from something you've eaten, you could actually get sick and die, but me,  I'm happy to inject it into my crow's feet.  It works beautifully but alas, it only last 6 months.  I should try to be more like Victoria Beckman and not smile or laugh.  And to think I used to think she was such a bitch when she was just probably trying not to create more crow's feet.

LATISSE-I have Asian eyes and therefore, Asian eyelashes or in other words, short, stubby, straight and sparse.  Latisse is the answer for all 4 of the S's above.  It creates beautiful curly lashes in 16 weeks.  Of course, it needs up keep and you have to keep applying, but a small price to pay for never having to use an eyelash curler again!

JUVEDERM-Hyaluronic acid injectable for frown lines of which mine were pronounce and deep.  I looked like a ventriloquist's  puppet.  I've had it done twice and each time, the amount of time lengthens in between injections.  I asked my dermo how long can it last and she said in one of her patients it lasted over five years. It's been over two years and counting for me!  Oh happy day, turning my frown upside down.

And now for my latest at home beauty treatment, drum roll please.....

DERMO ROLLING-What is it you ask. It's a roller that has between 240 to 560 needles anywhere from .25 cm to 2.0 cm.  Rolling it on your skin traumatizes the skin to create more collagen.
More collagen, where do I sign up?  I bought mine online for around $29.00 and I got the 560 needles 1.0 in length.  Of course, I carefully researched the Bible of instructions, YouTube.  Most of the reviews are favorable.  I was excited to try it.  Ok, one word, OUCH, YIKES, OOOOHHH, PAINFUL.  Ok, that's four words, is ooohhh a word?  Well, you get my drift, it's painful, it hurts, your face feels like it's on fire, and it turns red.   Does it work?  Well the jury is still out. I'll keep you posted.  Just remember those famed words, no pain, no gain, right?

As for my thinning hair, I'm on a quest to find the product that works at thickening it.  It's that or wear a hat for the rest of my life!


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